The Impact Syndicate
Who We Are
We are a group of angel investors who catalyze early stage businesses
that do well by doing good.
Our members come from operating and investing backgrounds in civic-tech, political campaigns, government and gov-tech, climate and sustainability, healthcare, and education.
What We Invest In
Pre-Seed and Seed Stage Companies
Companies with the potential to scale high impact solutions to the world’s most pressing problems (potential to do a lot of good)
Companies with $1B+ bottom up TAM opportunities (potential to do really well)
Have working MVP and/or first client(s)
Our Value Add
Our investment comes with access to our network, all of whom are willing to chip in and help you grow your business. Places where we’ve found we add the most:
Narrative creation, balancing a social impact mission, and fundraising
Finding product market fit, scaling, and strategy
Building business plans and customer introductions
Insights into changing policy and regulatory environments